Have you ever looked at your life and thought “I must be the only one”?
It seems like it’s only you experiencing those awkward and embarrassing interactions. It is only you that has unanswered questions about the world. Only you that struggles making friends, finding your calling, or even growing closer to God.
I’m here to tell you something very important. It is not just you. We’ve all felt that. We have all experienced hardships, debated confusing questions, and battled our fear of the future. Here’s the problem, though… if we’ve all felt that, why don’t we ever hear about it? We hide our struggles because we believe that they make us lesser somehow. That because we don’t have it all together, we’re failing.
Our questions, doubts, and concerns about life will never be answered until people are confident enough to say that they have felt that, too.
In these pages, you will find real life stories about girls who struggle just like you. You will see them make mistakes and experience pain, but also find joy, peace, and happiness. You will find them laughing at the little things in the world and smiling just because they can. You will find that their journeys look pretty similar to yours. Why? Because we have all felt that. It’s time we learn to say that confidently.